Sunday, April 24, 2016
PCBA Bringup: LCD verified
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
PCBA Bring Up Progress
We've had printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) for the Stenosaurus for several months, but I've only recently been able to begin properly testing it. Here are the tests I've run so far:
- Apply power. Nothing started smoking or even heating up. Success!
- Program the Stenosaurus to monotonously blink its LEDs. This took a horrendously long time, not because the program was difficult to write or because something was broken, but because the development tool chain for actually compiling and then loading the code onto the Stenosaurus took a long time to get right. Nothing was particularly difficult, but I ended up going through four different laptops, at least as many operating systems for those laptops, and a few combinations of various compilers, linkers, debuggers, and programmers. I'm happy to report that I now have a setup that works and is reasonably easy to replicate so that others can also start developing on Stenosaurus. (Of course, there is only one assembled PCB in existence, but that will hopefully change soon.) What's more, the LEDs blink as expected. Success!
- Program the Stenosaurus to blink the LEDs anytime a key is pressed. This was relatively straightforward and worked as expected for all keys. Success!
In short, everything is going well, though there's a lot more testing yet to do. Next steps include:
- Test the LCD.
- Test USB connectivity.
- Test SD card reading and writing.
That's pretty much it for the major subsystems. Once those are tested and check out, we move on to actually programming the Stenosaurus to be a working steno machine that interfaces to Plover via the TX Bolt protocol. This is where Hesky's good work from a few years ago (I can't believe it's been so long) will really shine. If things go well, his code that worked on an early development board will need only a bit of modification to work on the current prototype.
Of course, even if things go perfectly, I already have a short list of minor improvements I want to make to the board, which will require another production run. This list includes updating the style, positioning, and type of LEDs, moving the JTAG connector so its shroud doesn't interfere with nearby components, and revisiting the need for a JTAG connector in the first place (might use a pogo pin jig instead).
Progress is being made. Stay tuned.
Friday, January 8, 2016
First Mostly Complete Unit
- assembled PCB
- key caps
- top and bottom enclosure panels
- bent side rail
- port farm back plate
There are still some features missing, such as rubber feet and tripod mount, but this is as close as we've yet come to a complete Stenosaurus. I'll be running some tests this weekend and will report back results soon.
The Enclosure Takes Shape
The wood has been stained and the aluminum has been bead blasted and clear anodized. The inner face of the bottom panel has recesses at the location of each key switch so that the switch pins that protrude slightly through the PCB won't interfere with the PCB sitting flush with the bottom of the enclosure. The circular hole in the center of the bottom panel will house a threaded insert for mounting to standard tripods.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Some Process Shots
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Test made of MDF, which is not a candidate for the final material. |
A fully populated prototype of the printed circuit board, along with some test key caps. |
A midway point in one of the processes Kurt tested for milling the key caps out of a block of aluminum. |
A test run of key caps fresh off the mill. |
First test of a piece of bent aluminum as part of the case. |
Friday, September 11, 2015
First Printed Circuit Boards Have Arrived
A few things to note about this image:
- The key switches don't have key caps on them.
- Other than the key switches, the only other component on the PCB is the processor (the black square in the top center of the image).
- None of the components have yet been soldered onto the PCB.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Printed Circuit Board Design and Status
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PCB layout so far. |
This is a work in progress. The board outline and placement of the main components pointed about above are mostly finalized. The positions of the remainder of the components is still in flux. Most critically, the electrical connections between all the components haven't yet been routed, which is the next and final step before this design can be sent out for manufacturing.
All this is to say that progress is being made toward the first manufactured Stenosaurus! More soon.